Saturday, January 19, 2013

hace frío!

On Sunday, Kristina and I spent a couple hours planning for the next couple of weeks, then laid outside. The weather is so amazing.

Monday was rough getting up but it was much easier teaching once I had a plan of action!
Tuesday was another easy day of school even though my third grade Reading class was a bit of a pain. When we got home, Allison wanted to do Pilates so we put in a new DVD Kristina bought. Lol. Not even real. The funniest stretching workout I've ever seen. I don't have a clue how these ladies tricked anyone into buying their video.

Afterwards, we did yoga and it was great! I went to bed at 8 and felt amazing the next morning!

Wednesday I started to feel a bit ill and was so thankful to go home at noon! I laid down and watched some Mad Men (my new guilty pleasure) and the sun came out so I put my bathing suit on and laid out again. The roomies came home and took off for SPS and Kristina and I were supposed to start writing our exams, which turned into Kristina napping from 4-8 so I went to bed early!

Thursday after school, I found a big jar of Planters peanut butter (any PB is hard to come by in this town) and I don't think I've ever been more excited!
Phillip, Kristina and I decided to give the D&D some business and finalize a few plans for Semana Santa/ Spring Break
Most of us have decided to venture to Utila for the week and get our PADI certification. I cannot wait to scuba dive! (Even though I'm a bit terrified)

This morning was a bit chilly. i thought I was overreacting until I got to school and saw all the kiddos with hats and gloves on. It was 55 degrees. For art, I outlined each of my kids hands and had them color mittens and cut them out for me to hang around the room. I was surprised they even knew what they were, let alone owned a pair.

Tonight I did my day 2 of yoga. I'm going to try to do 30 days straight but anyone who knows me should know how difficult that will be!
Afterwards we had our second family dinner of the year! Allison and Molly cooked us some delicious African dishes. Nomnomnom :) then we came home and went straight to bed. This is my second night sleeping without my fan on. It's nice because my fan literally has a screw loose and shakes so hard it bangs into the wall and floor, but I would probably take that noise over the feisty dogs outside my window. Which reminds me how much I'm missing my own pup today. :( wish she was here to cuddle tonight!

Not sure what I'll be doing this weekend but hopefully it involves some relaxing in the sun!

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